Terms of stay

Our Terms of Stay are provided to ensure we as a hostel can provide a consistently easy, enjoyable and safe experience for all our guests.

House Rules apply to all areas of the BunkHouse Hostel. Any person who is already checked-in, or is to be checked in, are subject to the following House Rules. 

A violation of these rules could result in a fine. 

The below list is not exhaustive, and therefore, other behaviour or actions not listed below may also result in a fine.

House Rules:

  1. No guest is to give entrance into the hostel to anyone – whether they are a guest or not. This is to ensure the safety of all guests. Any guest found breaking this rule will be ejected from the hostel. *

  2. Guests are only permitted access to dormitories or bathrooms with the use of their own key. Any guest allowing another individual (guest or otherwise) access to an area which that individual is not permitted, will be ejected from the hostel.

  3. Strictly no consumption or possession of illegal substances within the premise. Any illegal substance found in a guest’s possession will result in a formal report to authorities and ejection of the guest from the hostel.

  4. No smoking at any time. This is not tolerated and will most likely result in a guest’s ejection from the hostel.

  5. No opening of fire doors unless in an emergency.

  6. No tampering with or using a fire extinguisher unless in an emergence. 

  7. No walking around the hostel indecently. 

  8. You must shut the door when using a toilet cubicle.

  9. Quiet time in the mid-week is from 10pm; and on the weekends from 12am - this excludes concerts and major event nights. Guests who are excessively noisy e.g., screaming, shouting, banging doors, playing music excessively loud, in the non-quiet period will still be asked to lower their volume. Persistence will incur a fine or ejection.

  10. Guests must act respectfully to all other people in the hostel, be these staff or other guests. They should also attempt to be friendly and welcoming;

  11. All rubbish must be placed in a bin found in the rooms or bathrooms;

  12. Any toilet waste MUST be flushed. 

  13. Feminine products must be disposed of correctly in the sanitary bins provided in the bathrooms.

  14. Windows should be left shut when leaving your room for security and energy saving purposes in the winter.

  15. Guests are to be aware of power usage. They should attempt to leave lights and sockets off when leaving the hostel. This is for safety and sustainability.

  16. Guests MUST be in possession of either a physical key card, a FOB, or an e-key on their phone. Any guest without a key will not be permitted access to the hostel until they provide their booking details to a member of staff.

  17. Guests must provide physical ID to a member of staff if asked.


We will never issue a fine without the following;

  • Informing you of our decision.

  • Providing a reason for our decision.

  • Providing evidence of the violation when evidence is available. **

*A guest ejected from the hostel is not entitled to a refund of any amount. A guest may be ejected at any time by any member of staff at the BunkHouse or by a contracted security guard acting on behalf of the BunkHouse.

**We may still issue fines even if evidence is not available. A case such as this would be similar to the following; a guest verbally abusing a member of staff; an incident occurring out of sight of CCTV e.g. inside of rooms.

All fines will be relative to the violation. They are issued per event and have no minimum or maximum threshold.

Finally, by staying in the BunkHouse, you agree to any photos or videos taken by staff, in common areas or rooms, during your stay, to be used for marketing and social media purposes.